The aim of an informative essay

Informative essays are a form of writing that aims to inform, explain or teach the reader about a topic. They can be used in a number of different contexts, including school assignments and academic writing. An informative essay will typically follow a certain structure and contain certain elements, such as an introduction and conclusion. The aim of an informative essay is to present information in a way that is easy for the reader to understand.

In order to write an informative essay, it is important to understand what type of writing it is and how it differs from other forms of writing such as narrative or argumentative essays.

What is an informative essay?

An informative essay definition says that it is a piece of writing that shares interesting information with the reader. It is not intended to persuade or convince, but simply to inform. Informative essays can be written about almost any topic you can think of, from how to build your own compost bin to the history of an ancient civilization.

To write an informative essay, start by choosing a topic and researching it thoroughly. Next, choose your angle: will you tell the story in chronological order? Or do you want to focus on one aspect of the topic at a time? Once you have chosen your angle, write a thesis statement that clearly explains what your paper will cover and why readers should care. From there, create an outline that breaks down each point into smaller pieces so that they are easier to write about. Finally, write each paragraph with supporting details and evidence from research; make sure that every sentence has a purpose!

Informative Essay Outline


  • Thesis statement: A statement of your thesis and the focus of your essay.
  • Background information: Provides background knowledge to the reader so that they understand the context in which your essay has been written and why it’s important.
  • Topic sentences: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that clearly states its point and relates it back to your thesis statement.

Body paragraphs

Topic sentences: Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence that clearly states its point, relates it back to the body of your argument, and introduces new ideas or details as needed.

Supporting paragraphs: Each supporting paragraph should have one or more sentences that provide specific examples or evidence to support your claims.

Сonclusion for informative essay

  • Summarize your main points, and restate your thesis in different words if needed.
  • Include a transition sentence to lead into the conclusion paragraph if necessary.

Tips and Tricks for Writing an Informative Essay

Your informative essay is like a recipe. It’s not just a list of ingredients—it’s the process of putting them together in a way that will make people want to eat it and come back for more.

In order to get the most out of your writing, you need to understand how it works. Here are some tips and tricks for writing an informative essay:

  1. Make sure you know what you’re writing about! You’ll be able to write much more clearly if you have a clear understanding of the topic, rather than just knowing that it exists. If there are any questions about definitions or other details, it’s better to ask someone who knows than make up an answer that might not be accurate.
  2. Make sure your thesis statement is clear and easy-to-understand! The thesis statement is one of the main building blocks of your essay, so make sure you’re using words that are easy-to-read and communicate exactly what your argument is going to be about (and preferably no more than three sentences).
  3. Keep an eye out for transitions between paragraphs and sections! Use transition words for informative essay, such as and, besides, further, too, finally etc. Sometimes students will write out an entire paragraph without ever using any transition words at all—this can lead to confusion.
  4. Proofread your work thoroughly and check its formatting. You may get essay writing help on any of these steps, or do everything yourself.

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