What is a research paper?

Work on the research paper is one of the most important forms of the educational process. It is aimed primarily at practical training and is carried out in accordance with the curriculum.

In accordance with the Regulation on the organization of the educational process of higher educational institutions of almost all countries of the world, the research paper is carried out in order to consolidate, deepen and summarize the knowledge gained by students during the study, and their application to a comprehensive solution to a specific task.

New requirements for the quality of training specialists that meet the needs of the modern stage of scientific and technical and socio-economic development of the country, make the research work of students an important factor in improving the entire system of training specialists.

Students must constantly increase their knowledge, respond promptly to the demands of the progress of science and technology. In connection with this, the issues related to the functions of the research work of the students in higher education are of particular relevance, and the education of specialists must be organically linked with the enhancement of their creative potential.

There are many ways of starting the research paper. It can be a quote, a question, information from a blog or any other source, and right now, we’ll provide you with the information on whether you can start it with the story.

Can I use “I” in a research paper.

During writing a research paper, we are faced with many questions we need to find answers to. This article is devoted to giving you the best answers for questions: can I say “I” in a research paper, can you use I in a research paper MLA, can you say We in a research paper and can you use I or We in a research paper.

Let’s start from can you use “I” in a research paper.

  1. The answer for the question can a research paper use i is the next: the use of the first person varies considerably between disciplines – most common in the humanities, least common in the physical sciences, with social sciences coming, as you’d expect, in the middle. However, the only field, where no use of the first person in (admittedly small) sample wasn’t found was accountancy. Draw your own conclusions.
  2. Use of the first person was most common in the introductions of papers; e.g., “I shall argue that …” Interestingly, conclusions, where students love to write things like “in my opinion ….” or “I strongly believe …” were relatively free of first-person usage.
  3. Where phrases like “I think” and “in my opinion” are used, it is often used to make the opinion weaker, not stronger. “I think” means, “I think, but I’m not sure”; “in my opinion” means “this is only my opinion – it’s not the only conclusion you can draw.” (This contrasts with some kinds of business and technical writing, where your opinion is central).

To sum up, the answer for the question can I write I in a research paper is the next: use “I” carefully, bearing in mind your audience, the field in which you are writing and what you are doing in that particular part of the essay, and use “in my opinion” rarely, if at all.

Use “i” in the MLA research paper.

The answer to the question can I use “i” in the MLA research paper is the same as can you use I in a research paper. The general writing style of the research paper is slightly more formal than that of a regular essay. You should avoid all contractions like don’t or won’t; instead, write out the phrases do not and will not. Do not begin any sentences with, and, or, but; instead, use slightly more formal words like Also and However.

If your topic is something scientific or medical, be sure to explain and “break down” any technical words or medical terms. Re-define them in your own words so that the reader can easily understand them. Doing this will also help you to understand the terms by yourself.

Usually, you should try to “set up” the reader for a long story before typing it. In other words, tell the reader what the point of the story is supposed to be. What is the reader supposed to get out of the story? Why do you include it in your paper? What does the story show or prove?

Can I say “we”

There are many discussions about whether we can use I in research papers, as well as can you use “we” in a research paper. There is no clear answer to this question, as you can do both. It’s not prohibited in the rules of academic writing not to use first-person pronouns.

However, the use of “I” and “we” still has some generally accepted rules we ought to follow. For example, the first person is more likely used in the abstract, introduction, discussion, and conclusion sections of an academic paper while the third person and passive constructions are found in the methods and results sections.

It’s not easy to write a good research paper. We need to break the mountain of textbooks, periodical literature, read the works of eminent scientists. As a result, the original text should be obtained, with the same success based on both existing developments and new student ideas.

Also, students often look for information about a psychological research paper.

Check what your teacher thinks about that issue. Do not neglect the help of your instructor, he/she can suggest interesting directions, help to find the right literature. Consultations will allow you to write a qualitative, interesting, and unique research paper.

Can you use “i” or “we” in a research paper?

As far as you can see, the research paper is a journalistic work in which the author sets the task of analyzing an existing scientific problem or certain phenomena from the point of view, first of all, of the regularities lying on their basis. The research paper has a certain composition; its contents should be deployed in a definite sequence.

In particular, the author must first explain the relevance of choosing one or another problem, the degree of its elaboration in the scientific literature, and the practical activities of the industry; define the purpose of the publication, present your thoughts and substantiate them, summarize briefly.

You should decide, can I say “we” in a research paper or can you use the word “i” in a research paper, as in modern academic writing, both ways are popular. Your paperwork should contribute to the profound learning of the lecture course and the acquisition of skills in solving practical problems.

It requires from the student not only the knowledge of the general and special literature on the subject but also the ability to conduct economic, mathematical, expert and other research, to link theory with practice, to generalize, to formulate conclusions and suggestions on improving the efficiency of the service sector and international economic relationships.

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