When writing essays, it is essential to understand the proper formatting and style guidelines to ensure clarity and consistency in your writing. One aspect that often confuses students is how to write movie titles within their essays. Movie titles, like other titles, have specific rules that need to be followed to maintain uniformity in academic writing. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write movie titles in an essay, including different formatting styles, punctuation rules, and examples to help you navigate this aspect of writing.

Formatting Movie Titles

The formatting of movie titles in essays depends on the citation style being used. The two most common citation styles are Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA). Let’s explore the formatting guidelines for each style:

MLA Style

In MLA style, movie titles are generally italicized. Italicizing is used to distinguish titles of longer works, such as movies, books, or TV shows, from shorter works, such as articles or chapters. Here are the general guidelines for formatting movie titles in MLA style:

Use italics

Enclose the movie title in italics throughout the essay.

Example: The film Titanic depicted a tragic love story set aboard a doomed ship.


Capitalize the first and last words of the title, as well as all major words. Minor words (such as articles, prepositions, and conjunctions) are not capitalized unless they are the first or last word in the title.


  • “The Journey of Redemption: Exploring the Themes of Forgiveness and Growth in The Scarlet Promise”
  • “Unveiling the Enigmatic: Analyzing the Layers of Shattered Illusions”
  • “Love Across Time: A Romantic Adventure in Chronicles of Eternity”
  • “The Power Within: Unleashing Hidden Abilities in Whispered Echoes”
  • “Through the Lens of Justice: Examining the Morality in The Verdict”
  • “From Darkness to Light: A Hero’s Evolution in Rise of the Phoenix”
  • “Navigating the Unknown: Discovering New Worlds in Cosmic Explorers”
  • “Torn Between Loyalties: A Tale of Betrayal and Redemption in Shadows of Allegiance”
  • “A Tale of Resilience: Overcoming Adversity in Fragments of Hope”
  • “Lost in Translation: Cultural Identity in Echoes of Heritage”

APA Style

In APA style, movie titles are typically written in sentence case and enclosed in quotation marks. Sentence case means that only the first word of the title and any proper nouns are capitalized. Here are the general guidelines for formatting movie titles in APA style:

Use quotation marks

Place the movie title within double quotation marks.

Example: Casablanca is considered a classic film of the 1940s.


Capitalize the first word of the title and any proper nouns. Leave all other words in lowercase, except when they are typically capitalized (e.g., acronyms or proper nouns).

Example: Gone with the Wind

Punctuation Rules

In addition to the formatting styles, it is crucial to understand the punctuation rules when incorporating movie titles in your essay. Consider the following guidelines:

Comma Placement

When referencing a movie title in the body of your essay, you should generally use commas to separate the title from the surrounding text.

Example: The character development in The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont, is remarkable.

End Punctuation

The end punctuation of a sentence containing a movie title should be placed after the parentheses or quotation marks, depending on the citation style being used.

Example (MLA): The plot twist in The Sixth Sense left the audience in awe.

Example (APA): The film Inception leaves viewers questioning reality.

Italicizing or Quotation Marks

Always remember to use either italics or quotation marks consistently, depending on the citation style you are following. Mixing both formats within the same essay can lead to confusion.

Example (MLA): The movie Interstellar explores the concept of time dilation.

Example (APA): The film Interstellar explores the concept of time dilation.


When writing an essay that includes references to movie titles, it is crucial to adhere to the specific formatting and punctuation rules based on the citation style being used. In MLA style, movie titles are typically italicized, while in APA style, they are placed within quotation marks. Understanding these guidelines will not only enhance the professionalism of your writing but also ensure consistency and accuracy. Remember to capitalize and punctuate movie titles correctly and use commas to separate the title from the surrounding text. By following these guidelines, you can effectively incorporate movie titles into your essays and maintain a polished and cohesive writing style.

Writing movie titles in essays may seem like a small detail, but it reflects your attention to detail and adherence to academic standards. By mastering the proper formatting and punctuation rules, you can elevate the quality of your essays and present your ideas in a clear and professional manner.

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